Shana Tovah

As we welcome the new year, we are focused on community and the concept of chesed – a primary ethical virtue in Judaism. Like many Hebrew words, chesed doesn’t translate directly into English. It is more than just kindness, it is loving kindness. It is also more than just an idea. It is the act of giving oneself fully with love and compassion. In the spirit of chesed, we welcome you to Temple Shalom so we may celebrate together.

We have been happy to welcome cantorial soloist Dr. Samantha Stinson to lead us in our high holiday services. We know her beautiful voice and strong spiritual leadership inspired us all. Sammi was assisted by her equally talented husband Dr. Jonathan Stinson as well as our valued community lay leaders.

Beginning in October, we are thrilled to welcome Rabbi Laura Lieber home to Fayetteville as our guest rabbi. We look forward to Shabbat services, holiday observances, educational opportunities, social gatherings, religious school visits and much more with Rabbi Laura each month.

As Temple Shalom continues to reopen, we offer weekly in-person Friday night services and our community groups are increasing their activities. Our religious school has welcomed 35 children so far this school year – the largest group of students in Temple Shalom history. The Caring and Social Action Committee continues to support our members, and engage in social justice and interfaith outreach. Sisterhood is becoming active again, sponsoring our high holiday oneg and break-the-fast, and a reinvigorated mahjong group. We also have a dedicated group of volunteers providing building maintenance, addressing security, running our gift shop, maintaining our finances and so much more. It truly takes a village to make Temple Shalom the Jewish home for Northwest Arkansas and we look forward to offering more spiritual, educational, charitable, and social programs and events.

Since our founding more than 40 years ago, Temple Shalom has worked to create an open and engaging community. These values are at the heart of why no tickets or reservations are required for our high holiday services. We continue to embrace this vision to be the open, engaging, community-centered Jewish home for Northwest Arkansas. Your volunteer efforts and financial contributions enable us to offer services, events and other programming, and to maintain our beautiful facility.

Our annual high holiday appeal is one of the major ways our congregation raises the money we need to operate. We share this tradition with many congregations around the country and the world. If you are unable to give financially, please consider volunteering.

Moving into the year 5783, let us remember that Judaism is more than a religious practice. We are a people –by choice, by birth, or any other pathway. We decide to come together for a myriad of reasons, including to create kehillah, community, in the spirit of chesed.

With loving kindness, Temple Shalom welcomes all in our community as we move into a new year.


Erin Cohen and Melissa Woods